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Joe McCabe Biography

Joe started entertaining his relatives at the tender age of six.  He would dance to a '45 speed record called 'Crazy Man Crazy' and they would toss coins at his feet.  He wore a black derby hat and a striped tie and had a corn cob pipe in his mouth as he performed.  Was this the start of a career in show busines?  Fast forward ten years.  At the age of sixteen, a junior in high school, he started singing and performing in musical groups.  His early influences go back to his father who was a big band fan of the day.  Joes father was at the Chicago Theater when Benny Goodman started the swing era and he took Joe to see jazz at the impressionable age of seven.  They would hit hot spots like the famous 'Blue Note' club in Chicago and again to see Bill Haley and the Comets at the Chicago Theater in 1955; at the very beginning when rock and roll was starting.Joes early repertoire included rock and roll of the day, including tunes like Johnny B. Goode, Twist and Shout, and some blues. By the time he was in college, Joe was commuting home on weekends to work clubs and bars on the south side of Chicago.  

 During the years between 1970 and 1973, Joe was in his first road band entitled Barnaby Rudge.  They played full time gigs five nights a week in the Chicago/ Wisconsin area doing rock covers of the day.  In 1973 and 1974, Joe joined a group called Warm.   This was his first agency band booked by Musical Enterprises of Chicago.  At this point, Joe was working the club circuit 5 nights a week in the Chicago area, specializing in top 40 tunes with show sets consisting of anything from Beach Boys to Elvis material.  He was also fortunate enough to tour with Warm across the Midwest, including Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa.  

In 1974, after primarily being in cover bands for most of his early career, Joe joined a creative group called Jotto.  Jotto was an ensemble group consisting of various musicians including some members of the Crying Shames and New Colony Six; two of the more well-known rock groups of the day in the Chicago area.  They specialized in funky jazz rock and original material.   They performed for over a year throughout the Chicago, Central and Southern Illinois areas.  At this time, he continued to entertain at various restaurants in the Chicagoland area, specializing in standards, swing, rhythm and blues and contemporary music.  In the late 70s, Joe took a break from the music scene to concentrate on his business.  Even though he was not touring on a regular basis, he continued to sit in and sing with various musicians.

 In 2009, Joe re-entered the Chicago music scene.  On June 6th, 2009, he performed in the choir at the Chicago theater with French Canadian Bernard LeChance.  LeChance was making his American debut and has since appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show and Entertainment Tonight.  Currently, Joe is performing at various restaurants in the southwest suburbs of Chicago, including regular sit-ins at The Flame in Countryside.  He is thrilled to be back performing full time, doing what he loves.

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